Wednesday, April 25, 2012


It wasn't my plan to move in this quickly after we got engaged (I haven't stayed at my house since the night he put a ring on it) but once his roomie moved out, it just made sense to us for me to write my last rent check and move in. So for the last few weeks, I have slowly been transitioning over. First came all the clothes since that was one of the most annoying things about being in two places, never having all my clothes accessible at all times. I have been going over to my house after work and grabbing loads of things. The last big items are my couches and a bench that my grandpa made for my Deeya years ago. We have been using the empty spare bedroom as a holding ground for everything. I tried to unpack boxes daily so I wouldn't get behind, but I am behind anyway.

Along with moving and making plans for a wedding, there is something else that is interrupting my life. The TV in the bedroom. Kyle likes to fall asleep with the TV on. I do not. When Kyle is out of town or when I stayed alone at my house, I do watch a little TV before bed, but usually turn it off and quickly fall asleep. The sound of the TV is really distracting to me and I find myself dozing off but waking up when an ESPN sportscaster yells about something.

But even with the TV, I am loving where I am right now. I told Kyle the other night how wonderful it feels to be in once place, with him. We have a pretty good routine down.

I have to be out of my house by Monday. I will spend the next two evenings there packing up. My mom and dad are coming Sat to move the last load. I cannot tell you how grateful I am to have parents that have helped me move for the 5th time in my life!

This past Saturday, I went to Stillwater to spend the day relaxing with Elaina, Sammi and Harlan. It was so nice to just be with them with no time schedule or agenda. We sat outside and had drinks. Walked and talked. Ate dinner, had more drinks and then called it a night well before any of the college kids could come out and harass us. I also went to 2 bars in Stillwater that I never visited in college.

We got up early Sunday and drove home. I planned on being productive and unpacking boxes but I was just too tired. I took a nice nap, watched TV and ate wings and pizza for dinner. That is what I call a perfect Sunday.

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