Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Birthday and Beer

Happy Birthday to my adorable niece, Jordyn. She is celebrating 1 year of life today. 1 year of Heathcock craziness, wrestling with Daddy, cuddling with Mommy, laughing with big sisters.

Friday night, I headed to Edmond to watch at least the first half of the game with Bryan & Erin and the girls. Kent went to the game with his dad. I wasn't lucky enough to get tickets this time :(
I hung out at Bryan and Erin's and played with the girls and then headed to meet Kent's cousin at Republic. Unfortunately, they had been there since 5 o'clock so they planned on heading home a little earlier than planned. Sophie and I headed to Kent's house and finished watching the game there.
I made it Allison's soccer game on Saturday and then went to Jordyn's birthday party. Kent & I were supposed to participate in a Crawl for Cancer that started at 1 so he went to that while I attended the birthday party.
Jordyn got all dressed up for her party and came around the corner dressed in her tutu and special onesie and looked cuter than anything I have ever seen. Here are some pics to prove it:

Now, it was time to head to the pub crawl. Mind you, Kent and the rest of the gang had been drinking for almost 3 hours by the time I got there. Little did I know, they were all hammered. Great. Still had a good time. And got some good laughs in on Kent. :)
Here is the only pic I got from the pub crawl. Wow. At least you can see our matching t-shirts. 
Sunday we had a delicious lunch on the patio at Pei Wei and then took Red to the dog park. He is hysterical there. The minute Kent opens the gate, he takes off and is in a full sprint. He got soaked in the water hole and I almost got knocked over by a huge Rottweiler. He slobbered on me. Gross. 
Don't forget to celebrate Cinco De Mayo tomorrow! Nothing better than tacos, burritos, queso, salsa and an ice cold Mexican beer. Bueno. 

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