Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Give Thanks

Things I am Thankful for:

1. My family. I know everyone says that but when you have a family like mine, you really are thankful.
2. Food. There are lots of people that don’t get to enjoy the deliciousness that I will be cramming in my face over the next few days.
3. My nieces. I can’t just lump them into the family category because they are something totally unique and different. I love them more than they can imagine and sometimes at work I just look at their pictures for a few minutes and it makes me happy.
4. I am thankful for a brother that loves me and has a relationship with me.
5. I am thankful he married a girl just like me who is my friend and takes an active interest in my life.
6. My car. I love it. A lot.
7. Sophie dog. She is my pal. And keeps me warm at night.
8. A great job and great people I work with. It really makes going to work bearable. Sometimes even enjoyable.
9. Friends. And I mean really good friends that love me and care about me and want me to succeed in life. You know who you are.
10. Pretty dresses. They are so much fun and make you feel so jazzy.
11. Working out. I like it and it makes me feel good and keeps me healthy. I hope I always want to do it.
12. High heels. And I mean, high heels. Not the kitten ones, or the 2 in ones. I mean the 3-4 in ones that hurt your feet but make your legs look so good.
13. Butterflies in your stomach.
14. OSU- Truly the best alma mater
15. Stuffing (or dressing)- the best addition to a thanksgiving meal
16. Having a beer on a patio. Such a luxury in life.
17. Paris, France
18. Not waking up to an alarm on weekends.
19. Answered and unanswered prayers
20. My Christmas tree….it just doesn’t feel like Christmas without one.

1 comment:

  1. How tall are you? I'm 5'9" and won't wear heels because I am already the tallest one around. I bet I'd be a shoe freak if I could wear heels.

    I love that you actually listed about this instead of doing what everyone else is doing.
    a. complaining about who they have to put up with
    b. complaining about the food
    c. complaining about anything
