To the countless people that tell me "cry it out is the best way to get him to sleep through the night", please please please stop. My child is not your child. My child screams bloody murder & sobs and I didn't bring a child into this world to let him cry himself to sleep alone in a dark room. It worked for you but it might not be the right choice for us. I have made a very conscious effort to not complain about sleep deprivation (my husband is exempt) because I know complaining opens me up to your unsolicited advice. So for the last time, stop telling me to let him CIO.
To the women 2 tables over at the restaurant looking at us repeatedly. Yes, Sam is eating rice (basically just making a mess) & {gasp} watching some silly Fisher Price app that he loves. Sam doesn't love many things (sleep, car seat, his father during bedtime are not at the top of his list) but he loves this cute, little app. Colorful, dancing animals bounce around to music...what's not to love? Anyway, please stop judging me. I never thought I would be the mom that had a baby watching an iPad in a sushi restaurant but then I had a baby so here's to not having a clue what you're doing. Thank you, ipad, for 10 min of "shoveling sushi in my face" time.
To the old(er) lady at the park, mall, Quiktrip, etc that says (as she touches Sam's feet) "mommy needs to put some socks on you!" Look lady, it's 65 & sunny and he's riding around in a hot box car seat in a black SUV. He's good. And he's unfortunately much like his mother- hot natured.
To the random chick sitting next to me at dinner, shut up. It started out nicely: she commented on how cute Sam was (duh!) and then said she had a 9 month old at home. After a few glasses of wine, we ended up sharing stories of having breech babies. But instead of just listening to mine, she got all judgy. You see, she's a chiropractor so she automatically assumed she knew my sitch (that's slang for situation- I'm feeling saucy tonight). Yes, I had a c-section (which I was none too thrilled about) but I wasn't induced by my doctor or pressured or taking the easy way out. I wanted to push that little bugger out but he had different plans. Also, HE (the big man upstairs) had different plans. And I'm ok with it now. She said several things that pissed me off: I shouldn't have had a c-section, my doc should have let me go to 40 weeks and done an ECV to try to turn him, I am an excellent VBAC candidate (thank you, chiro but I'll decide that) and my fave- if I was determined enough to have a vaginal birth, it would have happened. Here's an easy rule to live by: don't judge someone else's birth story/choice. I never dreamed I would have a c-section. Ever. Never. And it happened. And I lived. And that stupid chiro next to me had an ECV at 39 weeks, baby flipped and she had her dream vaginal birth. And we are both good mothers with different birth stories. Stop judging me, chiro girl (whose name is also Heather).
To the woman today that commented on Sam's red, swollen eyes and said "you know green snot means infection." Actually it doesn't. And I called the pediatrician and he couldn't fit us in today. And the nurse never called me back. And actually I feel terrible that his eyes are gunky but he's not running a fever, in a good mood & I'll take him to the doc on Monday. Zip it or I'll smear his green snot on your face.
There are a few more I could write about but I had a great date with my husband tonight & honestly this blog is killing my good vibes. Just be nice to others. We are all doing our best.
Peace and Love (as my hippie Montana sister-in-law would say).